Shoes are an essential part of our daily lives, and we all want them to look neat and new all the time. However, shoes tend to crease over time, which can make them look old and worn out. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks on how to prevent your shoes from creasing.

Prevent your Shoes from Creasing

Walk Properly

Walking properly is the first step to prevent your shoes from creasing. Avoid walking on your toes because this causes creasing. Toe walking is where you put pressure on the front of your shoes, where creases are most likely to form. Instead, walk heel-to-toe.

Lead with your heels, and your shoes will be less likely to crease. Shift your weight to the back of your shoe (towards the heel), and you’ll limit creases over time. Plus, leading with your heels can help strengthen your calf muscles and increase flexibility.

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Use a Shoe Tree

A shoe tree is a device that is inserted into a shoe to help maintain its shape. It is made of wood or plastic and is designed to fit snugly inside the shoe. Using a shoe tree can help prevent creases from forming in your shoes. When you’re not wearing your shoes, insert a shoe tree to help maintain their shape.

Use a Shoe Horn

A shoe horn is a device that helps you put on your shoes without damaging the heel counter. The heel counter is the part of the shoe that provides support and structure to the heel. Using a shoe horn can help reduce heel creasing. Insert the shoe horn into the shoe until it reduces heel creasing.

Use a Crease Protector

A crease protector is a device that is inserted into the toe box of a shoe to help prevent creases from forming. It is made of plastic or foam and is designed to fit snugly inside the shoe. Using a crease protector can help prevent creases from forming in the toe box of your shoes.

Find Good Fitting Shoes

Finding shoes that fit well is essential to prevent creasing. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause creases to form. Make sure you find shoes that fit well and provide adequate support.

Alternate Your Shoes

Do not wear out your shoes by using them always because your shoes will crease. It is advisable that you must have at least two pairs of shoes or more that you use for work. When your shoes wear out much, they flex more and crease more. You may alternately use your two pairs of shoes to avoid overuse and wearing out.

Keep Your Shoelaces Tight

Loose laces allow the shoes to bend at the toes, which can cause creases to form. Keep your shoelaces tight to prevent too much space in your shoes and foot movement, which leads to creases. Besides, it may also prevent blisters and bruises on your toenail because of foot movement. Simply, tighten your shoelace correctly and snug to fit to make you comfortable and avoid creases.


We all want to make our shoes look neat and new all the time. It may happen if you won’t allow your shoes to crease. Simply, follow the above steps of how to walk without creasing your shoes may help reduce or prevent your shoe from creasing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes shoes to crease?

Shoes crease due to the bending of the material over time. Walking, fit, water, style, and design can all contribute to creasing.

Can you remove creases from shoes?

Yes, you can temporarily remove creases from shoes. One way to do this is by using a hairdryer to heat the creased area and then using your fingers to smooth out the crease.

How many pairs of shoes should I have?

It is advisable to have at least two pairs of shoes or more that you use for work. When your shoes wear out much, they flex more and crease more. You may alternately use your two pairs of shoes to avoid overuse and wearing out.

David Alexander
I am David Alexander and I have been reviewing shoes for the past 2 years. Living in California, I have a wide variety of shoes to choose from and review. I enjoy sharing my thoughts on different types of shoes with others who are looking for information before making a purchase.